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by Jordan Sharman

 I acknowledge the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation as the traditional owners of the land on which I stand.

 I acknowledge their ancestor’s past, present and emerging and I extend that respect to all aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of the land on which this document is read. 

 I also acknowledge the damage that colonisation has done, and continues to do to this land and all peoples who share and care for it.

 I recognise my privilege as a man and the added safety that brings me.
I would like to acknowledge the gender injustice still prevalent in Australian society. I would like to acknowledge my white privilege and the benefits that are accrued because of my gender;  
in the name of a fair society, I see the injustice of this positioning -
this project is made from the stance of an attempt to address inequity.

Welcome to my class 12 Independent Research Project:
Discovering Man
This webpage, is the presentation of my year's work. I wanted to figure out: what it means be a man and what it is to transition from childhood to adulthood. 
For my project, I have interviewed 11 men and a person who identifies as non-binary. I then compiled these interviews into a podcast.

What my project is... 

Although I can submit only one, my project has two products.
The first is obviously my podcast, but the second is me.  
The piece of this project that I think I value most, has been my self development.
I think this is actually far more important than my podcast. The main point of my interviews for instance, was not so I could collate them into a podcast, but rather so that I could learn from many men, " What it means to be a man. "  

Please Find my podcast here
Hope You Enjoy
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